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Various articles covering health, nutrition, wellness and mental wellbeing
Food as medicineFood has always played a very important role with health. When feasting relative to a celebration, a person’s social status and wealth are associated with success.
Seven Dimensions of WellnessWellness is a full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It is a complex interaction that leads to a high quality of life.
Getting the Fats RightFats are among the most misunderstood food nutrient for essential living. It is important for energy, hormone production, storing and transporting vitamins, and insulation of nerves and organs.
Regular Aerobic Excercise Expands Your Brain!In a study done at the University of British Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, increase the size of the hippocampus in the brain.
Good Food is Medicine Bad Food Needs MedicineAnimal proteins are complete having all the essential amino acids needed in your diet. The rule for the healthiest proteins is to consider organic products.
Having a Healthy and Happy HeartMost people focus on helping the heart only when diseased or malfunctioning. Then you go to a doctor needing an intervention...
Understanding the Forest Ecosystem within our BodiesOur gut has a complex ecosystem similar to a forest floor. Even though our gut is located within our body, we actually have more living cells residing in our gut than in the entire rest of our body.